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Many great photographers create businesses that ultimately fail because they don’t get this one calculation right from the start. Figuring out your cost of doing business for photographers is so essential, and we want to help you on a path to a successful, prosperous business that can support your desired lifestyle and more.  The cost […]

If you’re new, just starting out or years in but still struggling to get booked for wedding photography gigs – you’ll want to read through this entire article about questions to ask wedding photography clients! Asking good questions is the key to starting off a solid conversation with anyone.  With a prospective client, the right […]

newly married couple portrait with sun glare in background and brides veil in foreground

As experienced wedding photographers, we’ve explored many different methods to charging our clients for our travel. Unlike many photography niches, being a wedding photographer means you will be traveling a lot for your jobs and in order to run your business effectively, you’re going to want to make sure you’re charging enough to cover your […]

girl sitting on the front of a car in the desert holding open a map of the USA

In this post, we’re going to teach you how to get more photography clients so you can get booked, make money, and achieve your dreams.  We take the experiences we’ve had running our own photography studios (the team at Shoot & Thrive has over 20+ years of experience combined) and have formulated many great tips […]

Woman looking at a laptop computer screen

In the world of bland posts about starting photography businesses, I’m going to do something different. I am going to share my journey from struggling photographer starting a photography business with no money to successful, full time photographer who wouldn’t trade it for the world.  Photography is easily one of the most popular hobbies around. […]

As the world continues to work through record levels of inflation, this is the perfect time for wedding and portrait photographers to reconsider their pricing practices to make sure they can still come out on top.  Photographers should absolutely adjust their pricing to account for inflation. But more than this – your pricing should always […]

Girl looking at a receipt

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