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Most discussions you find about wedding photography pricing in the industry talks about how to price your photo services, but few actually look at how you relay this pricing information to your prospective clients once you’ve got that initial inquiry in your inbox.  While your actual prices need to make sense, how you share your […]

bride and groom standing in front of a LOVE sign during sunset

We are going to teach you how to choose a name for your photography business while taking into the account the things we’ve seen work and not work over the years.  Unlike most articles you will read on this topic, we are professional photographers that have been in our respective industries for over 20+ years […]

With over 20+ years of experience as wedding photographers, we have a ton of experience going to weddings, filling up SD cards with tons of images, then narrowing those down into a final gallery we deliver to our wedding clients.  One of the biggest questions that remains top of mind, both for clients looking to […]

Groom kissing his smiling bride while she holds a bouquet of flowers with green trees behind them

AI photo editing is the most efficient and affordable solution for editing large photo volumes quickly.  If you’re new to the world of artificial intelligence (AI for short), then you’re mind is going to be blown.  One staple problem we’ve had with our wedding photography careers has been the amount of time we’ve been forced […]

Girl looking at pictures on phone and laptop computer

For photographers (aspiring and learning, newbies, or those in the industry for years), we’re going to help you understand what the average price for a wedding photographer is! This is one of the most common questions you’ll see if you hang around the wedding photography industry long enough. Couples are asking it, wanting to know […]

newly married couple about to kiss while overlooking the Icelandic coast

By almost any standard, the idea of being a professional photographer sounds like a “dream” job.  We certainly felt that way, which tugged at us for years until we started down that path ourselves.  After years of hard work and running a full time wedding & portrait photography business alongside full time day jobs, we […]

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