Woman in pink holding a camera

15 Best Business Insurance Companies for Photographers

Running a successful photography business requires talent, dedication, and attention to detail. While focusing on perfecting your craft and delivering exceptional service to clients, it’s crucial not to overlook the importance of protecting your business against unforeseen risks and liabilities.

Business insurance plays a vital role in safeguarding your photography business, providing financial protection and peace of mind in the face of unexpected events. From equipment damage to liability claims, having the right insurance coverage can make all the difference in preserving your business and reputation.

Let’s explore why business insurance is essential for photographers and delve into examples of situations where insurance coverage proves invaluable.

Why Business Insurance is Important for Photographers:

Equipment Protection

Your photography gear is not only essential for creating stunning images but also represents a significant investment. Business insurance can provide coverage for damage, loss, or theft of your equipment, ensuring you can replace or repair essential tools without facing financial strain.

Liability Protection

As a photographer, you interact with clients, models, and vendors regularly, increasing the risk of accidents, injuries, or property damage occurring during shoots or events. Liability insurance offers protection against legal claims and lawsuits resulting from bodily injury or property damage caused by your business activities.

Professional Indemnity

Despite your best efforts, errors or oversights may occur in your work, leading to dissatisfaction or financial losses for clients. Professional indemnity insurance, also known as errors and omissions insurance, provides coverage for claims alleging professional negligence, errors, or omissions in your photography services.

Venue Requirements

Many venues, especially event spaces and wedding venues, require photographers to carry liability insurance as a condition of doing business on their premises. Having the appropriate insurance coverage not only ensures compliance with venue requirements but also demonstrates professionalism and reliability to clients.

Peace of Mind

Running a business involves inherent risks, but having comprehensive insurance coverage offers peace of mind, allowing you to focus on what you do best – capturing moments and creating lasting memories – without worrying about the financial consequences of unexpected events.

Types of Business Insurance and What They Cover:

One of the challenges when shopping for business insurance, especially if your new to this, is wrapping your head around what kind of insurance you actually need for your business and what things are actually available to buy. 

Below, we’ve highlighted the main insurance options that you will come across.

Many insurance providers may sell these on their own or some of them may be bundled together (normally at a lower rate). Generally, business insurance is a tax deductible business expense (meaning it will save you money on your taxes to have it) and on average runs around $100/month (can be less or more depending on your specific insurance needs). 

The first 3 on this list we consider crucial to have in place for your photography business. The other insurances may be necessary on a case-by-case basis. 

General Liability Insurance

Provides coverage for bodily injury, property damage, and personal injury claims arising from your business operations. It typically covers legal defense costs, settlements, and judgments in liability lawsuits.

This is the most common form of business insurance. Most of the time when you see insurance mentioned in online groups (as an example), photographers are talking about this type. 

If you photograph weddings or portraits at some locations, you will also need to be able to provide evidence of having a general liability insurance plan in place (known as a certificate of insurance or COI). 

Professional Liability Insurance (Errors and Omissions Insurance)

This type of insurance offers protection against claims alleging professional negligence, errors, or omissions in your services. It covers legal defense costs, settlements, and judgments related to claims of inadequate work or professional mistakes.

As a photographer, we recommend having this type of policy in place “just in case.” A simple example where this could come in handy is if you are sued by a client because you lost images by accidentally deleting them from an SD card before backing them up properly. 

Property Insurance

Covers damage or loss of business property, including photography equipment, studio space, and office furnishings, due to covered perils such as fire, theft, vandalism, or natural disasters.

Our team has actually had to use their property insurance coverage to have camera equipment replaced after it was damaged. We’ve also heard some stories from other photographers we know that had equipment stolen and this insurance helped them (otherwise if they had to replace everything they lost, it would have been 10’s of thousands of dollars worth of costs!).

Business Interruption Insurance

Provides coverage for lost income and ongoing expenses if your photography business is temporarily unable to operate due to covered perils, such as fire, flood, or other disasters.

Generally, this is not particularly necessary for photographers (especially those who work on location). If you operate out of a studio, it would be something to look at in more detail. 

Commercial Auto Insurance

Offers coverage for vehicles used for business purposes, such as transporting equipment to photoshoot locations or traveling to client meetings. It provides protection against accidents, damage, and liability claims involving company vehicles.

Cyber Liability Insurance

Protects against losses and liabilities arising from data breaches, cyberattacks, or other cybersecurity incidents. It covers expenses related to data recovery, notification of affected parties, and legal defense costs in the event of a cyber incident.

Examples of Situations Where Insurance Coverage is Essential:

Accidental Damage

While on a photoshoot, you accidentally knock over your camera tripod, causing damage to expensive photography equipment. Business insurance can cover the cost of repairing or replacing the damaged gear, minimizing financial losses.

Client Injury

During a portrait session, a client trips over a piece of equipment and sustains an injury. Liability insurance can cover medical expenses and legal costs associated with the injury claim, protecting your business from potential lawsuits.

Copyright Infringement

 A client alleges that you used their images without proper authorization, resulting in a copyright infringement claim. Professional indemnity insurance can provide coverage for legal defense costs and damages awarded against your business in such cases.

Now that we understand the importance of business insurance for photographers and the scenarios where insurance coverage is indispensable, let’s explore recommended insurance companies that cater specifically to the needs of photographers.

Insurance agent reviewing a document with their clients

Recommended Business Insurance Companies for Photographers

Hiscox Insurance

Hiscox specializes in insurance solutions for small businesses and offers customizable coverage options tailored to photographers’ needs. Their policies typically include general liability insurance, which protects against third-party claims of bodily injury or property damage, as well as professional liability insurance (errors and omissions), which covers claims of negligence or mistakes in professional services. Additionally, Hiscox offers business equipment insurance to protect photography gear from theft, loss, or damage, providing comprehensive coverage for photographers’ most valuable assets.

Photographer’s Insurance Agency

Photographer’s Insurance Agency is dedicated solely to serving photographers and understands the unique risks and challenges of the industry. They offer tailored coverage options, including general liability insurance to protect against accidents or injuries that occur during photo shoots, equipment insurance to cover damage or loss of photography gear, and cyber liability insurance to safeguard against data breaches or cyber attacks. With personalized service and expert advice, Photographer’s Insurance Agency ensures photographers have the right coverage to protect their businesses.

The Hartford

The Hartford is known for its Business Owner’s Policy (BOP), which combines general liability and property insurance into a single, affordable package. For photographers, this means comprehensive coverage for both liability risks (such as bodily injury or property damage claims) and property risks (such as theft, fire, or vandalism). The Hartford also offers specialized endorsements for photographers, allowing them to customize their coverage with additional protections for equipment, business interruption, and more.

Next Insurance

Next Insurance caters to small businesses, offering customizable insurance policies designed to meet photographers’ specific needs. Their coverage typically includes general liability insurance to protect against common risks like slip-and-fall accidents or property damage claims, as well as professional liability insurance to cover claims of negligence or errors in professional services. Additionally, Next Insurance provides equipment coverage to protect photography gear from theft, damage, or loss, ensuring photographers can focus on their craft with peace of mind.

Pro Photographer Insurance

Pro Photographer Insurance specializes in insurance solutions for professional photographers and offers comprehensive coverage options to protect against a wide range of risks. Their policies typically include general liability insurance to cover bodily injury or property damage claims, professional liability insurance to protect against claims of negligence or errors in professional services, and equipment insurance to safeguard photography gear from theft, loss, or damage. With expertise in the photography industry, Pro Photographer Insurance provides personalized service and expert advice to ensure photographers have the protection they need to thrive in their businesses.

Photography Insurance Services

Photography Insurance Services offers tailored coverage for photographers, including liability insurance, equipment insurance, and errors and omissions insurance. Their liability insurance protects against accidents or injuries that occur during photo shoots, while their equipment insurance covers damage or loss of photography gear. Additionally, Photography Insurance Services offers errors and omissions insurance to protect against claims of negligence or mistakes in professional services, providing comprehensive coverage for photographers’ unique risks.

Thimble Insurance

Thimble provides on-demand insurance coverage for photographers, offering flexibility and convenience with policies available by the hour, day, or month. Their coverage options typically include general liability insurance to protect against accidents or injuries that occur during photo shoots, as well as professional liability insurance to cover claims of negligence or errors in professional services. With quick online quotes and policy management, Thimble makes it easy for photographers to get the coverage they need, when they need it.

Package Choice

Package Choice offers customizable insurance packages for photographers, providing flexibility and affordability with coverage options tailored to photographers’ specific needs. Their packages typically include general liability insurance to protect against common risks like slip-and-fall accidents or property damage claims, as well as professional liability insurance to cover claims of negligence or errors in professional services. Additionally, Package Choice offers options to add endorsements for specific needs, such as equipment coverage or business interruption insurance, ensuring photographers have comprehensive protection for their businesses.

Markel Insurance

Markel specializes in insurance solutions for small businesses and offers tailored coverage options for photographers. Their policies typically include general liability insurance to protect against accidents or injuries that occur during photo shoots, as well as professional liability insurance to cover claims of negligence or errors in professional services. Additionally, Markel offers equipment insurance to safeguard photography gear from theft, damage, or loss, providing photographers with comprehensive coverage for their businesses.

Front Row Insurance

Front Row Insurance provides specialized insurance coverage for photographers, offering comprehensive protection for their unique risks. Their policies typically include general liability insurance to cover bodily injury or property damage claims, equipment insurance to protect photography gear from theft, damage, or loss, and errors and omissions insurance to protect against claims of negligence or mistakes in professional services. With expertise in the entertainment industry, Front Row Insurance understands the specific needs of photographers and provides personalized service and support to ensure they have the right coverage for their businesses.

Insurance Canopy

Insurance Canopy offers customizable insurance policies for photographers, providing flexibility and affordability with coverage options tailored to their specific needs. Their policies typically include general liability insurance to protect against common risks like slip-and-fall accidents or property damage claims, as well as professional liability insurance to cover claims of negligence or errors in professional services. Additionally, Insurance Canopy offers equipment coverage to protect photography gear from theft, damage, or loss, ensuring photographers have comprehensive protection for their businesses.

Plymouth Rock Assurance

Plymouth Rock Assurance provides business insurance solutions for photographers, offering comprehensive coverage options to protect against a wide range of risks. Their policies typically include general liability insurance to cover bodily injury or property damage claims, professional liability insurance to protect against claims of negligence or errors in professional services, and business property insurance to safeguard against theft, fire, or vandalism. With personalized service and support, Plymouth Rock Assurance ensures photographers have the right coverage to protect their businesses.


Insureon specializes in insurance for small businesses and offers tailored coverage options for photographers. Their policies typically include general liability insurance to protect against accidents or injuries that occur during photo shoots, as well as professional liability insurance to cover claims of negligence or errors in professional services. Additionally, Insureon offers equipment insurance to protect photography gear from theft, damage, or loss, providing photographers with comprehensive protection for their businesses.

Coterie Insurance

Coterie offers streamlined insurance solutions for small businesses, including photographers, with customizable coverage options to meet their specific needs. Their policies typically include general liability insurance to protect against common risks like slip-and-fall accidents or property damage claims, as well as professional liability insurance to cover claims of negligence or errors in professional services. Additionally, Coterie offers equipment coverage to protect photography gear from theft, damage, or loss, ensuring photographers have comprehensive protection for their businesses.

Allstate Business Insurance

Allstate provides comprehensive insurance coverage for small businesses, including photographers, with tailored solutions to meet their specific needs. Their policies typically include general liability insurance to protect against accidents or injuries that occur during photo shoots, as well as professional liability insurance to cover claims of negligence or errors in professional services. Additionally, Allstate offers business property insurance to safeguard against theft, fire, or vandalism, ensuring photographers have comprehensive protection for their businesses.


Selecting the right insurance coverage is a crucial step in protecting your photography business against unforeseen risks and liabilities. By partnering with reputable insurance companies that understand the unique needs of photographers, you can focus on capturing moments and creating lasting memories with confidence, knowing that your business is well-protected. Before purchasing insurance coverage, it’s advisable to assess your specific risks and consult with insurance professionals to determine the most suitable coverage options for your photography business.

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