Recommended Copywriters for Photographers: Elevate Your Website with Expert Words

This post is a work in progress – have any copywriters you’ve worked with in the past to recommend, share them with us!

As a photographer, your images tell a story, but when it comes to your website, the words matter just as much. Great copywriting has the power to engage potential clients, communicate your brand’s value, and ultimately, convert visitors into new leads and bookings.

If you’re looking to create a stronger connection with your audience through words, hiring a professional copywriter is a must.

In this blog post, we’ll highlight our recommended copywriters for photographers and discuss why good copy is essential for your website’s success.

Top Copywriters for Photographers

1. Green Chair Stories

Green Chair Stories, led by Rachel Greiman, is a highly regarded copywriting service that specializes in working with photographers. Rachel is a photographer herself, so she understands the industry and knows how to translate your unique voice into words that resonate with potential clients.

What Makes Green Chair Stories Great for Photographers:

  • Deep understanding of photography businesses
  • Focuses on making your personality shine through your copy
  • Helps craft copy that speaks directly to your ideal client
  • Offers website copywriting, brand messaging, and more

If you’re looking for copy that feels like “you” and helps you stand out in a crowded market, Green Chair Stories is a great place to start.

Visit Green Chair Stories

2. Salted Pages

Salted Pages, founded by Paige Griffith, is another excellent option for photographers looking for strategic and effective website copy. With a focus on SEO-driven copy, Salted Pages ensures that your website not only sounds great but also performs well in search engines, helping you reach more potential clients.

What Makes Salted Pages Great for Photographers:

  • Focuses on SEO to improve your website’s visibility
  • Custom copy that aligns with your brand voice and vision
  • Expertise in writing for creatives and photographers
  • Offers website copywriting, blog writing, and more

Salted Pages can help you create copy that attracts, engages, and converts, giving your website the boost it needs to stand out online.

Visit Salted Pages

Why Good Copywriting is Essential for Your Website

While your photos can capture attention, it’s your words that build trust, explain your services, and guide potential clients to take action. Good copywriting helps bridge the gap between your photography and the emotions, needs, and desires of your clients.

In our experience, we all have the power to write pretty good copy if we try hard enough. But the best copy out there takes a balance of creative writing and objective standards that really will only come together with the help and insights an experienced professional can bring to the table.

Here’s why investing in professional copywriting is so important:

  • Communicates Your Value: Good copy explains not just what you do, but why it matters to your clients. It highlights your unique selling points and helps potential clients see the value in your services.
  • Builds Trust: Well-written copy builds credibility and trust. It makes your business look professional and helps clients feel confident that you’re the right choice.
  • Engages and Converts: Copy that speaks directly to your target audience’s needs and desires will engage them, keep them on your website longer, and encourage them to take action—whether that’s booking a consultation or reaching out for more information.
  • SEO Benefits: Well-crafted copy isn’t just for humans—it’s for search engines, too. Copywriters who understand SEO can help improve your website’s visibility on Google, attracting more visitors and leads over time.

In short, great copy can transform a basic website into a powerful marketing tool that helps you book more clients and grow your business.

What To Look For in Copy?

So – what makes copy, well, good?

There are a lot of things to consider, honestly.

Is the copy speaking to the right audience?

Does it flow well?

Does it take a websites UX design into mind?

Like we said…a lot…

If you aren’t completely confident in what makes for good copy on your website, we strongly recommend checking out some courses in our Business Course Suite for Photographers – including our Branding Course (where we talk about identifying your target audience and developing brand vocabulary) and our Website Course (where we get clear on how you should be laying out pages on your website and even have lessons on crafting good copy, too!). You can buy these courses individually or as a part of the full course bundle.

Copywriting as an Additional Service with Website Designers

When hiring a website designer, you might not realize that copywriting can sometimes be bundled into their services. Many website designers either have a copywriter on staff or work closely with freelance copywriters to ensure that your website’s visuals and words work seamlessly together.

Here’s why this can be beneficial:

  • Consistency: When your website designer and copywriter collaborate, they can create a more cohesive brand experience, ensuring that both the design and copy align with your overall vision.
  • Saves Time: Instead of hiring a copywriter separately, your designer can manage the process for you, making the entire website creation process smoother and faster.
  • Professional Expertise: Website designers who work with copywriters often have a strong understanding of how the two elements—design and copy—complement each other, which can lead to a more polished and effective website.

If you’re already planning on working with a website designer, be sure to ask if they offer copywriting services or can recommend a trusted copywriter.

You can check out our recommended website designers for photographers for suggestions in that end of things!

Final Thoughts: Invest in Your Words

As a photographer, your website is one of your most important marketing tools. While your portfolio showcases your skills, the right copy can turn casual visitors into paying clients. Investing in professional copywriting can help you communicate your value, build trust, and create a lasting connection with your audience.

Whether you choose to work with a dedicated copywriter like Green Chair Stories or Salted Pages, or bundle copywriting with your website design, the benefits are clear: your website will stand out, attract more clients, and ultimately help you grow your business.

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